- SCI 科学引文索引
- EI 工程索引
- ISTP 科技会议录索引
高质量文章标准 High-quality paper criteria
- SCI影响因子
- 推荐 & 口碑 (CCF推荐期刊,北大核心)(nature 、cell 、Springer 、Elsciver )
- 引用量 (google引用、SCI引用)
three-pass reading method:
- First pass: Read the title,abstract,introduction,and subsection headings and conclusion. Take note!Ignore the math!
- Second pass: Read all the text,understand the math,run the associated code to repeat the experiment,other articles/summary/comments related to the paper.Take note!
- Third pass: all about math. Break down the equation
seven tips for a stand-out presentation
- know your audience
- use structure to build on ideas
- use visuals (pictures,figures…)
- Repetition is your friend
- have a story to tell
- be relatable,be authentic,and be enthusiasm
- build your confidence with practice
I'm so cute. Please give me money.
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